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About Me

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Joining in Indonesian Beauty Bloggers Fashion Style: Edgy, Sexy, Cute and Adorable Fave Brands: Etude House, BRTC, Hera, Laneige, Skinfood, Peripera, NYX Face Type: Combination (Oily at T area and Dry on my cheeks)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Agnes Monica - Cinta Di Ujung Jalan

Tropical Fruits

I love these fruits because it's healthy, fresh & not fat

first of all, i love banana, it can be fried, roasted, mix up in cake, delicious!!
aku suka ma pisang raja, pisang ambon, pisang cavendish, pisang kepok, pisang susu, suka semua
trus, pisang itu bisa diolah jadi apa aja, pisang goreng, kolak pisang, sale pisang, roti pisang, banana split, pisang bakar....nyummmyy

Orangeholic.....i like its taste; fresh & sweet
aku suka jeruk pokam ma jeruk mandarin

Melon, suka banget soalnya manis & seger, apalagi klo makannya pas dingin...wuhuuu....seger
melon hokaido yg warna daging buahnya orange ni uenak buanget...manissss

Manggo, mangga selain bnyak vitamin Cnya, rasa&aromanya manis&kecut enakkkkk
mangga arumnanis, manalagi, suka semuaaaa, suka banget klo makan mangga dibuat sarang madu hehehe

strawberry yg rasa kecutnya seger, dibuat hiasan cake&es krim oke, dibuat jus maknyussss....dicelupin coklat, luarrr biasaaa

Jackfruit alias nangka...emang sih bikin kentut tapi rasa manisnya tuh unik bangetssss

Pineapple, rasanya juga unik, kesat di lidah, paling enak kalo dirujak ato dimakan pake garem

watermelon, ini khusus pencuci mulut, seger dan manis...banyak airnya

Semoga kalian juga suka ya, banyak2 makan buah yah....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Dream Job

Karir impian yg selalu aku pengen hehehehehhe

Fashion Stylist

Fashion Editor

Fashion Designer

Fashion Photography Director

Fashion Shoes Designer

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Inspirations

Proudly present, people who can be my inspiration to create something meaning in my life

Tyra Banks --> professional models, produser of America's Next Top Models

Gordon Ramsay --> owner many restaurants in many cities in the world, owner of Gordon Ramsay Holding Limited

David Herman Jaya --> big bos saya, pengusaha, ketua WALUBI, pemilik New Armada Group

Mr. Jay Manuel --> asistennya Tyra Banks di America's Next Top Models, orangnya selalu jadi creative director untuk fashion photography, keren banget orangnya. Penggagas Canada's Next Top Models loh

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Must Read This!!!

These books I read it more, and more, and more again...I hope you like it, just a suggestion...

Are You Afraid of the Dark --> Sidney Sheldon
This book makes you wonder what's the end and surprises you with many things

Princess Diaries --> Meg Cabot
I love Mia and how she thinks about her life, I like how Meg Cabot describe many facts in real world

Sarah's Child --> Linda Howard
 This book tells us how a woman can pass every single moment in her life bravely and toughly...it is pure love story

Shanao Yoshitsune --> Hirofumi Sawada
This is the best manga I've ever read....I learn many good things from it & I still want to know about the sequel

Trio Detective (Three Investigators)--> Alfred Hitchcock
Brilliant Masterpiece in the world.....the best book among years...READ THIS!!

Topeng Kaca --> Miuchi Suzue
Everything about passion of acting, theatre and showbizz